
  • Is healthy food good for trying to conceive?

    Photo backdrop of buckwheat dish for the text- Is Healthy Food Good For Trying to ConceiveIs healthy food good for trying to conceive? Sarah Frankenburg, nutritionist and Chinese medicine practioner, recently gave a workshop at the Gefen Center that opened our eyes and our appetites on the topic. Starting off with a picture of a nice big salad versus a nice hot bowl of cooked grains, she went on to say a fertile body is a warm body and warm foods will help to promote that.

    I’m jumping courses, sorry! Let’s backtrack to the appetizers of the evening.

    Not all foods are bad for everyone

    Sarah prefaced by stating that what she was about to say is a generalization and every person is distinct with their own unique constitution. In other words, certain foods aren’t bad for everyone, and not all foods are good for everyone.

    That being said here are some tasters of the night:

    Cold or Hot?

    Cold drinks are a NO NO. If we got one thing out of the evening, it was learning to drink water that is room temperature or hotter.  Most meals are best cooked and warm. As tempting as it is to eat straight out of the fridge (or freezer) that is another habit to break. I must confess, it’s not so easy when you’re HUNGRY!