Yesh Tikva Infertility Awareness Shabbat
Keren Gefen Mind-Body Fertility Organization and Midreshet Nishmat are pleased to partner with Yesh Tikva's Annual Infertility Awareness Shabbat which takes place in over 200 Synagogues in the USA, Canada and Israel. The goal of this Shabbat is to enhance communal understanding and facilitate empathy for those who have not yet been blessed with children or who are struggling to expand their families.
Infertility Facts:
Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of trying for women under 35 or after six months for women over 35, or the inability to carry a pregnancy to live birth 1 in 8 couples in the United States and Israel suffer from infertility About a third of infertility is attributed to the male partner, a third to the female partner, and third is attributed to factors in both partners or is diagnosed as "unexplained infertility. Couples with fertility challenges often suffer from anxiety, depression and low self-esteem which can lower fertility potential by up to 30%.

How can I help?
- Be a friend, listen when they speak, and offer a shoulder to cry on if need be.
- Unless requested, avoid sharing advice or tips on how to increase chances of conception.
- If someone shares their story with you, try not to bring it up every time you see them.
- Assuring people that everything will be okay is generally not comforting, as only God knows the outcome. Rather, assure your friend or family member that no matter what the outcome, you will be there for them in any way that he/she needs.
- Don't make assumptions about why someone may or may not have children
- Don't say to someone "Oh, I see you decided to stop after two children." After all, we know that infertility doesn't only affect people trying to have their first child.
- For parents and grandparents of those navigating infertility: Be sensitive to your child/grandchild's challenge. Asking them when they will give you a grandchild is hurtful and a reminder of their struggle. Do not push your children to share information about their fertility challenges and treatments that they are not comfortable sharing, and be sure to ensure that your children feel special in their own right and no less important to you even though they have not yet given you a grandchild.
Yesh Tikva Fertility Awareness Shabbat Dvar Torah [download .doc]
Yesh Tikva Fertility Awareness Shabbat One Pager [download .doc]
Yesh Tikva Fertility Awareness Shabbat Information Page [download .doc]