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The Stanley and Joyce Black Mind/Body Program is funded by the Stanley and Joyce Black Family Foundation.

The Mind/Body Workshops
The Mind/Body workshop is a supportive group made up of 10 women. These women share similar goals and challenges. They meet once a week for an hour and a half for ten weeks with a fertility therapist (psychologist or social worker expert in the field.) Together they share and build a supportive community, learn relaxation techniques to reduce stress, and do cognitive restructuring to help challenge negative feelings. Gefen has recently piloted a successful workshop for men and is actively recruiting for a fertility workshop for couples.
Gefen reaches out to different populations and tailors workshops to their specific needs. The program includes specialized workshops for women considering egg donation ,for women considering fertility preservation, for women of the Haredi community and for women considering becoming single mothers. These innovative programs have received amazing feedback from the women they serve.
Individual Therapy
We offer individual one-on-one therapy sessions with a Social Worker who specializes in fertility for those who prefer to share their fertility journey and be supported in private.
Fertility Support Group for Men
A special workshop for men led by Rabbi Yisrael Cohn, that offers guidance and support, dedicate time to think, and helps develop tools to better handle the situation.
Mind/Body Workshop objectives:
Decrease symptoms of stress
Employ multiple relaxation and stress reduction strategies
Increase coping strategies for better quality of life
Change lifestyle habits which can have a negative impact on fertility
Mind/Body Curriculum Development
Gefen is continually creating manuals and developing programs to treat different aspects of fertility challenges.
Mind/Body Staff Training Program
Gefen trains Yoga and Mind/Body therapists individually and is available to train groups of therapists in different communities in Israel and abroad.