Keren Gefen is a non profit organization that provides emotional and wellness support to fertility challenged women in Israel.

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Gefen Center,  Jerusalem


"Changing lives by creating lives"

Keren Gefen serves as a teaching resource to share our unique vision and innovative programs with Jewish communities throughout the world

We invite fertility challenged women to join in our activities.

Our Programs Include:

  1. Fertility Yoga
  2. Mind Body Workshops/CBT Workshops 
  3. Individual Therapy 
  4. Transfer with Tranquility - "Individual Therapy"
  5. Hevruta Jewish Textual Learning and Support Workshop   
  6. Haredi Community Program
  7. Nishmat Yoatzot Halacha Fertility Counselors Program

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Gefen Center, Jerusalem

A warm and beautiful space in the German Colony in Jerusalem where we nurture and support fertility challenged women in Israel.

Black Mind/Body Program

The Stanley & Joyce Black Mind/Body Program, funded by the Stanley & Joyce Black Family Foundation, is an innovative collection of programs.

Funded by Donations

Keren Gefen is funded entirely on donations; including a multi- year grant from Stanley Black (the Stanley & Joyce Black Foundation), the Pratt Foundation (Australia) and private donations.


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